Water is indeed essential for all life on, in, and above the Earth. Water is one of the most basic needs for Human beings everywhere. But not all places have easy access to clean water. According to the USAID (Dec 2019), only 42% of Afghani people have access to safe drinking water and only 27% of the rural population have access to sanitation facilities resulting in diarrheal disease that claims the lives of thousands of children under the age of 5 each year.
The best way to contribute and be part of the solution is to build sustainable water wells where it’s needed the most. We focus on building solar powered well systems to provide continued free clean water for the people.
With your water donation, we can put a stop to women and children having to walk for miles each day just to access their basic right, clean water.
You can be the sole sponsor for an entire Well system under your name or the name of a loved one, which includes the actual well digging, polyethylene well pipe, water storage tank, storage tank stand, complete solar powered pump system, plus extension piping for water delivery.
Depending on the location and the people’s needs we build two different Water Well Systems.
- Deep well with a complete Solar Powered pump system, water tank and Stand, plus all required plumbing and piping. $2,700.00
- Deep well with a Manual Well Water Pump plus required accessories and piping.$1,400.00