In Afghanistan and throughout the developing world, girls face significant barriers to getting a quality education. Often, families living in poverty cannot afford to send all of their children to school and, when forced to choose, send their sons.

Traditional divisions of labor often leave girls at a disadvantage regarding education, because tasks given to girls in agriculture, water and fuel collection, cooking, and caring for young siblings and the sick often interfere with schooling. Consequently, millions of the poorest, most vulnerable girls are not in school or are expected to drop out early, despite the fact that research shows girl’s education boosts economic growth and improves the health and wellbeing of families and communities.


The tremendous benefits to educating girls include:

1. Increased economic productivity and reduced poverty.
2. Lowered maternal and infant mortality rates.
3. Delayed sexual activity and improved reproductive health.
4. Increased gender equity.
5. Strengthened democracy.
6. Enhanced social status.
7. Improved management of water and other environmental resources.

In addition, girls who receive an education tend to marry at a later age and raise fewer children who are healthier, have much better chances of survival, and are more likely to go to school. Each of these factors is proven to reduce poverty. Wages rise 20% for every year beyond the 4th grade that girls attend school. When an educated women’s income increases, she will often reinvest as much as 90% of it directly towards family needs, compared with an average of 30-40% for a man.

Dar Zara Girls School is a non profit, non-political, and privately owned school for girls. It offers multiple grade levels starting Elementary to High school. We are the only non profit girls school in of Ghurian District, Herat, Afghanistan. Dar Zara Girls School’s curriculum and degree’s are registered and accredited by the Ministry of Education. We are founded on the principle that children in Afghanistan need quality education that is balanced with a solid foundation in education, Afghan literature, History, Sciences, Computers, Arts, and Gender equality.

It is our aim to integrate the intellectual, practical, creative, and spiritual development of our students. Our approach is grounded in the inculcation of adab (good manners) in ourselves and in our students. Dar Zara Girls School teaches children to think, create and develop, rather than to simply memorize and conform. We see education as a dialogue between students and teachers. We believe in providing a healthy and euphoric atmosphere for these young girls that will not only enrich their minds, but also prepare them on how to cope and deal with local challenges they face on a daily basis living in a society that has deprived them of their basic rights and privileges.

girls school

New School Construction Breakdown


Phase One : First building consisting of 6 classrooms, 2 office’s and bathrooms now Completed.

Phase Two :

  •  Second building consists of 6 classrooms, a kitchen and a cafeteria.
  • Each classroom consists of a 35 sq.m (377 sq.feet) study area fully furnished with all the necessary furniture and materials.
  • Each donor that sponsors a complete classroom, kitchen/cafeteria or furniture/materials will receive a name plaque of their choice, displayed in the building.

Zara Non-Profit Girls School was established in 2019 with the goal of providing a high quality education for girls in one of the most underprivileged areas in Herat, Afghanistan.

  • Sponsor a Girls Education throughout her entire school year.
  • Each sponsor will receive photos and updates about each student.
  • Zara Girls School is a Non-Profit school and we do not collect any type of fees from the students.
  • The students are provided with all their basic needs starting from uniforms, school supplies and materials plus a hot lunch on a daily basis.

Sponsor a Student

You are now able to sponsor a student for only $35 a month. This will cover all her educational costs including teachers and staff salaries, school supplies & materials, utilities, facility maintenance and even additional aid to their families annually.

The biggest obstacle we are currently facing in Afghanistan is in girl’s education. Zara Initiate’s sole purpose for building Zara Non-Profit Girl’s school is to provide a higher standard of education for girls in rural areas, where it is needed the most.

With a contribution of only $35 monthly you can sponsor a student’s education for the entire period of her studies. Please get involved and don’t lose this golden opportunity to make a real difference.